Book Readin'

Friday, September 07, 2007


I finally finished 1491 by Charles C. Mann. It's a very informative book about what the Americas were like before Columbus/Colon got here. It's got really weird transitions from one group/time period/chapter, or at least it was a bit hard for me to keep track of.

Part of why it took me so long to read that book was that I had to read the final Harry Potter book. I also read a sci-fi book by Terry Brooks or someone like that. And Eldest, but I think I mentioned that I'm into the Eragon books now.

I recently subscribed to some more magazines, so I am trying to deal with a small backload of reading...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Farm book gives food for thought

I am currently reading "Farms of Tomorrow Revisited: Community Supported Farms-Farm Supported Communities." It took me a few tries to get into the book-- it really makes me think a lot about what I am doing, so I am reading it very closely.

It's great!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Keeping track of books I've read

I just started this blog because I wanted to have a space to write about the books I've been reading. I didn't read very much for years and years- maybe it was depression, maybe it was life situation. I started reading gardening books about 5 years ago.

In 2005 I read a whole lot.

I read gardening books: Diary of a Compost Hotline Operator

I read The Essential Agrarian Reader

I started really reading when I went on a trip to Europe. You wouldn't believe how many books and magazines I brought with me and didn't read! But I did read The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, by Oscar Hijuelos. It is a very beautiful and moving book. I was introduced to Dan Brown on this trip, and read half of Angels and Demons on the way home.

I read memoirs: 50 Acres and a Poodle, and a Cafecito Story by Julia Alvarez, and Girl, Interrupted... and another of Alvarez's books

I read all six Harry Potter books from the week of Thanksgiving until late January.

I read two books by Christopher Moore- Bloodsucking Fiends, and a book about a pilot's adventures

I read books by Dan Brown: Angels and Demons, Deception Point, and Digital Fortress. Just this week, I finished The DaVinci Code

I didn't finish 5 Acres and Independence, or How to Grow More Vegetables, or many issues of Permaculture Activist